Table of Contents
Join & Renew Tab
Once your club has been enabled for Join & Renew, you will see a new tab displayed within the Admin Portal. If you do not see this tab and expect to, please contact your association so they can enable Join & Renew for your club.
On the Join & Renew page, you will see the following sections in the left navigation column.
- Setup
- Club Membership Fees
- Club Join Pages
- Pending (if enabled)
On this page, you will be able to see the Join & Renew settings that have been setup by your association. This content is for informational purposes only. If you need a setting changed, please contact your association.
In the first section of setup, you can see if your association is enabled for Join & Renew, is allowing Online Renewals and if golfers can choose to automatically renew their membership during registration.
In the second section, you can see if your club is setup to approve golfers prior to them being added to the club. If this setting is set to “Yes”, you will have an opportunity to review pending members and either approve or deny their registration. If this setting is set to “Yes” you will also see an additional button in the left navigation called “Pending Members”.
The last section on this page called “Join & Renew Search by Zip Code” is primarily used by association level clubs. Except for specific situations, this setting will not be used by members clubs and will be left blank.
Club Membership Fees
On the Club Membership Fees page, you will see the list of membership fees that have been setup for your club by your association.
These fees are provided here for informational purposes and cannot be edited by the club admin. If you need to update fee data, please contact your association.
In the table, you can see the following:
- Membership Fee Name
- Description of the Fee
- The dollar amount for the club portion of the fee
- Eligibility requirements (Age & Gender)
- Which Association Membership Code is assigned to the fee, how much the association fee is and if there is a transaction fee.
- Total Fee that will be charged to the golfer
Club Join Pages
On the Club Join Pages page, you will see a list of all the join pages that have been created for you by your association.
In the table you will see the following:
- Association Join Page Name
- This indicates the Association Join Pages your club has bee included in. This means when a golfer goes to the association page and searches for a club, yours will be listed in the search results.
- Membership Fees Included
- This indicates which of your club fees have been included in each Association Join Page listed.
- Club Join Page URL
- This is a list of your club’s personal join page links. If you would like to provide this service on your website, you can use these links to facilitate this.
- Copy Link button
- This button allows you to easily copy the club page URL for use on your website or to send directly to a golfer via email, etc.
- Edit Join Page button
- This feature allows you to edit the content / messaging that displays on each of your club’s join pages using the easy-to-use editor.
Editing a Join Page
Click the “Edit Join Page” button next to the page you wish to edit.
You will be able to edit the following information:
- Header Text
- This content can be looked at like the “title” of the join page. This message will be displayed at the top of the club join page.
- Club Description / Benefits
- This area can be used to provide helpful information about your club membership options and benefits.
- This information will display below the header text.
- About the Club
- This information will not display on your join pages.
- This information will display on the association join pages and allows you to provide potential members with key information about your club when they are searching for a club to join from the association join page.
Once you have saved your changes, you can click on the Club Join Page URL to review them.
Pending Members
If your club is setup to approve golfers before they are added to the roster, you will see the “Pending Members” button in the left navigation column. If the club is not using the feature, this button will not display. If you think you should see it, but don’t or would like to use this feature, please contact your association.
The Pending Members section will allow you to review any potential members or returning members prior to them being added to the club. You can approve or deny their membership. If you choose to reject the membership, you must provide a reason. This reason will be included in the email the golfer receives once the registration is denied.
If you have pending members that need to be reviewed, you will see an orange icon on the Join & Renew tab when you log into the GHIN Admin Portal indicating how many golfers are awaiting review.
When a golfer submits an application that requires approval, the club admin will also receive an email notification.
Approving a Pending Golfer:
To approve a pending golfer, press the “Approve” button to the right of the golfer’s name. Press the “Approve” button in the modal to confirm. Once confirmed the golfer will receive an email notification.
Rejecting a Pending Golfer:
To reject a pending golfer, press the “Reject” button to the right of the golfer’s name. Provide the reason the golfer is being rejected. This message will be included in the rejection email, so make sure the message is providing adequate information on what actions the golfer should take, if any. Press the “Reject” button to confirm. Once confirmed the golfer will receive an email notification.